Sunday night topped off a great weekend. Here's Ang and I all dollied up to go out (that's me on the left for those who don't know me). All the Pretty Horses was lots of fun - I haven't seen so much shiny PVC in one place ever. They all looked extremely glam - big high boots, corsets, fishnets and lots of long hair - black PVC of course. Can't say the music was to my taste but they sure rocked and were fun to watch. The finale was a fetish performance piece - Venus held a metal plate against her crotch while Madmat used a metal grinder - sparks flew. Pretty spectacular. I heard that the night before Venus had cut a chunk off her hand and had blood all over her guitar. Ow. I went and said hi to Venus before the show. She was sitting watching the support band play. Her makeup was sexy - a strip of red across the eyes like Daryl Hannah in Bladerunner. She/he seemd very very nice. Very quietly spoken. When I introduced myself and said I had done the posters, she gave me a hug. Didn't get home till round 2'ish. Have had a fairly low-key day working on my laptop from the comfort of the couch. Have got most of the way through two of my Caritas projects today. I think I'm winning the battle (just!).
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