I've just (finally) watched Vincent Gallo's Brown Bunny. This film was slated at Cannes. Roger Ebert said it was the "worst film in the history of the festival". Since then Gallo has trimmed 26 minutes from the film. I haven't seen the untrimmed version. From what I have read it's a good thing that Gallo took it back to the editing room. Anyway, I kept an open mind about the movie and I really liked it. Yeah, one of the reasons I wanted to see it was for the much-talked-about fellatio scene between Gallo and Sevigny, but the story was sweet and sad. It was nice to have a simple "soundtrack" rather than a movie score - that was a blessing. I am SO sick of film scores. And the long takes were not at odds with the story. I won't go on about the story itself - you'll find that plenty of other places. It's said to be the work of an egomaniac. So? It's all part of the PC craze - people aren't allowed to have egos any more. I hope Gallo keeps making films. The trouble with egotists is they don't take criticism too well. And there has been plenty of criticism over this film.
There are people out there that love you though, Vincent.
Okay, Taj Mahal Travellers are getting a bit funky now. It's sounding like a jungle boogie. I'm loving this shit.
Jungle boogie -- hep hey -- basement boogie
Why are egotists not allowed. it seems like actors are allowed to be. Isn't that what makes for an interesting director and film? Am I wrong?
if I were a director I would place all my actors in bodage a week before filming. (I don't really know where that came from)
Lilly you crack me up! love your basement boogie, girl! Hep! Hey! Yeah!
PG - I think that idea is SO GOOD. Imagine the control you would have over your leading actors if you were, like, their DOMINATRIX! That would be an interesting experiment... I wonder if it's been done? Ever tried your hand at film directing? And then there would be the very interesting documentary about the making of the film. This is making me laugh, big time! And I'm sure Gallo would love it.
Wouldn't that be the funniest thing?
Recently we had been watching a ton of Cassevetes movies and he was pretty different. I would be like him if i could. He would have his actors sit around a table and they would go through their lines, but no rehearsing on a set. And he would like his actors to come up with their own ideas for characters as well, BUT he never would allow the actors to dicuss these ideas with the other actors. He wanted it to be spontaneous before the camera.
He was a Gallo of his time.
Oh and we are watching King Kong now. Poor Melvin is having dinosaur dreams.
Brown Bunny.
I haven't seen the trimmed or untrimmed version.
i liked buffalo 66 a lot. and who uses yes in a soundtrack? haven't seen this one, tho.
is gallo's ego worst than bruckheimer or mel gibson? i'm all for real sex in cinema. how cool would it be if the plonking in movies was real, but an integral part of the film? i guess there was real 'doing it' in anatomy of hell, but that was the most frenchiest, unsexy movie evah!
Hey Rose! I just found your blog, it's great! There are not many NZ blogs, not many of them interesting anyway... Keep writing!
Ah, Melvin. I wish I had seen Anatomy of Hell. I was queuing at the cinema with tickets in hand when Dave fell on my shoulder in an intoxicated state and had to be taken home. I was gutted. I LOVE Catherine Breillat films. Sex is Comedy and À ma Soeur were so fucking great. Vincent Gallo has a big ego, but I think his filmmaking is not all about that. You can't compare him to that awful awful awful Mel Gibson. eeuuughhh! Do you get that I hate that man? Do ya?
PG: I STILL haven't watched any Cassavettes. What's Your Take on Cassavettes? Listen to Le Tigre? That's all I know about Cassavettes. Misogynist? Genius? I will have to fill in that major gap in my cinematic world very very soon.
Hello ANY. Keep in touch. Glad to see you are in English now. I will be coming by and visiting...
Daily: you should watch Brown Bunny. I think you might like it. Well, parts of it anyway. It's a slow film, so be patient.
Oh good lord-I forgot about Anotomy of hell...sheesh! You should see it sometime, just because.
I LOVE Cassevetes! Most definitely a mad genius. he and his wife were a beautiful New York/Hollywood couple. he taught acting classes and she would be the star of broadway plays. melvin and I can only wish for our lives to be so hectically creative.
[Do not get Alan started on Columbo -- he will, no doubt, start talking about the one episode in which CAPTAIN KIRK was a guest star. He'll be on a total roll. Unstoppable. And I do mean that!]
He was in a Columbo? I'm guessing this started the whole new pic for you Alan. Oh hey-they were buddies-Falk and Cassevetes and Ben Gazzera. I'll have to find this Columbo episode. I think he did the Tempest also, but not sure if it's good though. Everyone should see "A Woman Under the Influence" and "Killing of a Chinese Bookie", oh and "Faces" as well.
THAT AVATAR! Alan -- you silly boy :-D LOL!
Aye, PainterGirl -- he was in Columbo. I didn't know he was in it twice though [although I live together with a Captain Kirk expert]! We have one of the episodes on video tape [not the one from the 90s] -- a shame we cannot just make a copy and post it to you....
Oh Lilly, it looks like he's on a roll, I'm so sorry. Does he really have Capt. Kirk ramblings?
I hate to think he shouts "Beam me up" at inappropriate moments.
Alan: Yes, as per usual I am getting things mixed up!
PainterGirl: It's ok; I am used the rollin' Alan by now ;-) And yes, he does have Captain Kirk ramblings.
oh alan-I dragged poor melvin to see that. it was a bit dreadful as you might have thought. i just rented, again poor melvin, 28 days-with ms bullock but I rented it for the Viggo effect.
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