I've been a bit sick with a headcold for the last few days. I only get a cold about once every couple of years, so when it hits me I feel pretty miserable. I spent almost the whole day yesterday in bed watching movies. Was kinda nice. Lemon and honey drinks and cups of tea. Plenty of snoozing off, too.
Being sick has left me with little time to get my show ready, but I seem to be getting quicker anyway. I usually get the tracks picked out on a Sunday evening and then the fine tuning and the playlist get done on Monday night. This time I've finished the whole shebang tonight, being Monday night. I'm not going to dilly-dally around telling you about the artists, cos I really need my kip, being sick and all.
I will say that I am playing a track by Stanier Black-Five (who has the best name I've bloody heard of for a while!) who I saw play at the Adam Art Gallery on Thursday night and she's pretty great. She's based in Christchurch, but originally from the UK. She runs her own label, Argot Records.
And so, with no further ado, here's the playlist for Session 18:
Sophie Moleta, 111 Taranaki St, Runner: A Compilation of New Zealand Music, Next Big Way. (2:45)
Wreck Small Speakers on Expensive Stereos, Torn, River Falling Love, Ajax Records. (8:35)
Roy Montgomery, Fine, Fine, Fine, 324 E. 13th Street #7, Drunken Fish. (5:25)
David Watson, Sinister 4, Fingering an Idea, XI Records. (4:59)
Alastair Galbraith, two wires and a violin, Wire Music, Corpus Hermeticum. (6:52)
Roy Montgomery, Rain Receding, Scenes From the South Island, Drunken Fish. (4:43)
Sophie Moleta, Can You?, Runner: A Compilation of New Zealand Music, Next Big Way. (1:55)
Stanier Black-Five, Double Headed, Train Tracks, Argot Records. (5:58)
Seht, chryse planitia, The Green Morning, Digitalis Recordings. (19:58)
John White, Instrumental, Balloon Adventure, She'll Be Right. (23:09)
Frey, out-20071020-215531-further, unrelased (20:33)
Thela, (Untitled #5), Argentina, Ecstatic Peace! (7:26)
Sandra Bell, Lost Train, Killing Capitalism with Kindness, Turbulence Records. (2:11)
Chris Heazlewood, Throb, Cash Guitar, Flying Nun. (1:12)
The Chills, Night of Chill Blue, Brave Words, Flying Nun. (2:57)
Claypipe, The Math of Random Fractures, Jewelled Antler Library Vol. 8: Wayside, Jewelled Antler. (3:59)
Swagger Jack, Stall, The Feral Blood of Swagger Jack, Last Visible Dog. (2:02)
tuned in at alastair g., was devastated by sophie moleta, and the slide into stanier black-five was delicious.. but heading to bed as it's nearly 4am my time. gonna d-l it all tomorrow!! beautiful show!!
Cheers to you Lorrie!!! That's a dedicated late-night listener. xxxx
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