Oh, well, what can I say? It was head-swimmingly wonderful. Shame about Julia Deans who supported. I never really liked her in Fur Patrol, and I definitely disliked her solo. I think it is usual to match a support act to the main act. Like John White with Cat Power. What a shame I didn't time it so we missed her. But it didn't ruin the night - all was forgotten when The Shins started up with their big jangly chords and the beatific tones of James Mercer. I'm really crap at writing any sort of music reviews, so I won't try - Stephen does a good one if you wanna read about the gig. Suffice to say, a very good night was had and my ears sure rung a lot when I got home. Gigs like that though, remind me of how old I'm getting. It's not 'cos there were young people everywhere - of course there were going to be - it was an Orientation gig for the uni students. I couldn't give a shit about my age - it's just that your body doesn't put up with quite as much punishment as it once did. Standing in one spot for three to four hours in the sweltering heat now takes its toll. Aching ankles, sore lower back. It's not like it used to be... Will I still be able to do it at 50? I hope so. Maybe it's a sign I need to do some exercise...
Anyway, next on the music calendar is this:

I realised today that I'm bloody not going to be able to go - one of my kids has glandular fever and I'm having to do her office cleaning job for her. Grrr. Oh well, I really have been going out way too much lately and tomorrow night I want to go to CafeX the MediaTheatre at the Film Archive which will be fun.
I agree the gig was wonderful, definately a highlight of my year. However, do you not think your view on Julia is a little harsh? From your blog I can tell I have the same taste in music as you and I think she is wonderful as a solo performer, although a little nervous which perhaps could be read as arrogance if arrogant ones self. There have been some cheesy moments in some of the radio singles and videos her band produced but their records are full of gems generally unheard and under-rated. Albeit a strange choice for support I think her work deserves more credit and more of an open ear. Designers huh...
Can't take it back! I just didn't like her. Maybe it was just the anticipation of hearing The Shins play. Maybe I should give some of her recorded stuff a listen and see if I feel differently. Still, that's what taste is all about. I see you got to my blog by searching "fur patrol suck". Hmm, were you specifically looking for someone slagging off Julia so you could give them a earful? I'm not saying she is talentless, I just didn't enjoy it. Each to their own. And anyway, I like being harsh sometimes. It's called "having an opinion". Something that NZers seem to have a problem with. We are just not allowed to criticise one of our own.
Sorry Rose I didn't mean to sound like I was invalidating your opinion (especially on your own blogsite! I have a healthy respect others opinions.
You're reply made me laugh as I am actually Australian (in Melbourne) and yes I was doing a google search under "Fur Patrol suck". I was searching for a forum entry I had made a few years ago dissing the band with those words but could not remember the web address or the name of the forum. Anyway I had disliked them also based on what I had heard of them on radio over here. Then a friend took me to a show they did with The Strokes in Sydney and I loved it and bought the record at the gig. Call me a convert.
I was in Wellington (I love your city by the way) when The Shins were playing and could not pass it up as I was not going to be home when they played Melbourne (the Melbourne show sold out within days anyway) and pleasantly surprised to find Julia Deans playing support.
I'm not even sure why I left the message in the first place, I guess I only ever hear the band get stick and I think they are actually fantastic.
Have a great day Rose
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