Okay, I used to be quite a Star Trek fan, but only really the original. As a kid I had a bit of a crush on James T. Oh, and that one with the thick Russian accent that looked like Davey off The Monkies. Anyway, on with the silly quiz. I was almost my crush - James T. Kirk! Oh my.
Your results:
You are Deanna Troi
| You are a caring and loving individual. You understand people's emotions and you are able to comfort and counsel them. ![]() |
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character are you?" quiz...
A crush on Captain Kirk, eh? Hehe :-)
He is Alan's biggest hero -- it's never 'William Shatner' [or what's his name] -- oh no, it's always CAPTAIN KIRK!
Oh Kirk...he was so sauve and sexy in that captain's chair. And fast with a laser gun too!
That last sentence, PC! What are you implying? ;-P
Ohhh, girls. Captain James T. Kirk can point his laser gun at me anny old time. Doesn't look quite the same man in Boston Legal, eh, but he's pretty funny in it.
I used to love those wonderful choreographed fight scenes when the music went wild. I was watching the very silly Cabel Guy the other night and they had a Trek-inspired fight scene with all the music. It was hilarious (even though it was Jim Carrey... euuugh).
A plaque? Cracks me up. I wonder if there'll be some weirdo (and very old) Trekkies who will be celebrating Kirk's birthday on that date.
Oh oh, here we go -- Alan's on a CAPTAIN KIRK roll again.....
Listen, Rose, there will be
-- can you guess who? ;-P
Oh my. Don't tell me he has any Trek-inspired clothes... ;)
word verification: yseexavi
Hope you got a tidy sum. What was the costume? Hope it wasn't just a redshirt. Mind you, I'm hightly pissed off that I was fricking Deanna Trpoi. I would rather have been a redshirt. She's so namby-pamby.
Oh, Alan, I wish you had a photo you could post...
I just asked him, Rose -- I am afraid that's a "NO"
Excellent! That's a very serious look.
Also loved the pics of your Lambretta. But didn't manage to open the .wmv files of Lilly's dad. My Windows Media Player went all weird on me. I'm on a Mac you see.
That's a shame, Rose -- that's a piece of really cool footage of my 'old man' :-D
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