Oh, a milestone! My tenth show. And still in Beta. But not for long. Radio 23 launches on April 23rd. Getting exciting!
My show this week is fairly folk-soaked - lots of acoustic guitar, but still plenty of surprising twists. My favourite finds have been two wonderful releases: A Lowtides Rising (Explorations Around The Theme Of NZ Acoustic Music) put out by PseudoArcana, and The Need For A Crossing: A New New Zealand, Vol. 1, out by US label Table of Elements. Both highly recommended.
The show moves to a new timeslot due to our daylight saving being over: now 7pm to 9pm NZ time.
Paintings of Windows/Antony Milton, Gilgit, Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia cdr
Swung, Lull, Voice and Key, PseudoArcana
Melita Johnson and Alastair Galbraith, Sidelined, Does it Float va, Trinder Music
Roy Montgomery, It's Cold Outside, 324 E. 13th Street #7, Drunken Fish
Autistic Daughters, A Boxful of Birds, Jealousy and Diamond, Kranky
Claypipe, Wayside, Jewelled Antler Library Vol. 8, Jewelled Antler
Seht, We Can Talk Quite Freely, A Lowtides Rising (Explorations Around The Theme Of NZ Acoustic Music), PseudoArcana
Pumice, Stars, The Need For A Crossing: A New New Zealand, Vol. 1, Table Of Elements
Ben Spiers, Smoon, Spin You, Transient Recordings
Claypipe, Constant, Jewelled Antler Library Vol. 8, Jewelled Antler
Pumice, Where You Helmet Laddd, A Lowtides Rising (Explorations Around The Theme Of NZ Acoustic Music), PseudoArcana
Roy Montgomery, Downtown To Vesuvio, Scenes From The South Island, Drunken Fish Records
Greg Malcolm, Oderbruch, Homesick for Nowhere, Corpus Hermeticum
Sunken, Staunch, Eye Electric Organ, Brain Electric Nerve, PseudoArcana
Gydja, Beyond the Earth's Edge, Umblicus Maris, Mystery Sea
K-Group, artificial sound disc, K-Group, Corpus Hermeticum
Crude, Beat Tactique, Faux, free release
track 08, golden axe, unreleased
Gfrenzy, Mouth of Bloody Vengeance, The Need For A Crossing: A New New Zealand, Vol. 1, Table Of Elements
Track 02, Golden Axe, unreleased
Seht, B5.JZZA, HRRY, unreleased
Richard Francis, 508, A Lowtides Rising (Explorations Around The Theme Of NZ Acoustic Music), PseudoArcana
Roy Montgomery, The Soul Quietens, Kranky Kompilation, Kranky
Wreck Small Speakers on Expensive Stereos, Lots of Hearts, River Falling Love, Ajax Records (2)
Gate (3), PE.ch.1.aiff, My Dear Sweet Reluctant Sweetheart, Hell's Half Halo
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