I'm excited because I've just bought my tickets for the Film Festival. I'm taking a week off so will be going lots of daytime screenings. I love going to the movies during the day when everyone else is at work. It seems the most decadent way to spend your time.
The theme tonight is field recordings. I like listening to these with my headphones walking down the street. Quite a surreal experience - like being in two places at once.
Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime is on Tim Coster's label, CLaudia. Definitely worth checking out.
Travelogue 5454 was a CDR I picked up at a gig one night. Released under Artless Intent. Field recordings while travelling in Greece. 5454 is on myspace.
Stanier Black-Five creates amazing pieces from field recordings of trains.
The rest of the show is a lovely 60 minute piece from Seht.
I think field recordings are great to listen to as an "opening your ears" exercise. They're also very soothing. I lived in a flat once where my room was in the middle of the building with no windows (sounds grim but it was a massive room and kinda cool). Anyway, I never used to hear the weather so I used to borrow this lovely album off my flatmate of recordings of the countryside. On one side is a gentle rainy day in the paddocks complete with sheep, and on the other is a full-on storm with thunder and pelting rain and wind. There was nothing better as a soporific. Put me off to sleep with a smile on my face.
I think my fave track is the one of Phil Dadson's - essentially 15 minutes of snoring.
5454, Track 04, Travelogue, CDR (0:38)
5454, Track 07, Travelogue, CDR (1:33)
Paintings of windows, gilgit, Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia (6:58)
Stanier Black-Five, Double Headed, Train Tracks, Argot (5:58)
5454, Track 14, Travelogue, CDR, (3:18)
Richard Francis, Nightfields (for Johnny Osbourne), Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia (8:05)
Phil Dadson, Sleep Trio, Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia (14:59)
Felicity Lord, Midnight Kitchen, Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia (8:04)
Seht, Goodbye America and Have a Nice Day, Pseudo Arcana (60:00)
P. Westbourne, Dawn Chorus, Witching Hour – Field Recordings of Nighttime, CLaudia (12:28)
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