Spend some time with noise and drone, and music (or anything else, for that matter) will never be the same again. It'll dismantle your hearing and put it back together in a completely different way.
I've compiled a range of noise tracks here. Probably the least noise-like is The Stumps - there's some instrumentation in here and some discernible melody. But they fit.
You'll see plenty of Dsic. He is the master of blippy white-noise noise. I've probably chosen the least harsh of his tracks really. He's an ex-Wellingtonian, moved to the Bristol, UK. I've asked him, and he still definitely considers himself a NZer. Check out his site.
Oh, and I think I may have said this before, but isn't The Polyamourous Love Cult just about the best band name ever?
It's late tonight for me to be uploading the playlist - past midnight - so no more jabbering on from me. Here's the playlist:
Doublas Lilburn, White Noise Study, Complete Electro-Acoustic Works, Atoll. (3:13)
Will Gresson and Luke Munn, Six Forty Seven, Saturday, March Fourteenth, Creative Commons. (6:47)
Kraus, If These Jaws Could Talk, The Facts, Dreamtime Taped Sounds. (4:25)
Crude, On An Industrial Scale, Syringes and Insects, Open Source Audio. (7:02)
CJA, Mess, Pink Metal, Pseudo Arcana. (3:47)
seht & stelzer, Exactly What You Lost 4, EXACTLY WHAT YOU LOST, Intransitive. (2:03)
Dsic, Ikea PDF Catalog Love, audio log, http://dsic.autmusic.com. (4:04)
Omit, section;two. pre-zero [the growing of the grey], Zero; Towards the Growing of the Black, Deepskin Conceptual Mindmusic. (2:24)
Dsic, INIT (Reset Signal), A History of Microprocessing Vol. 2, Audio Log. (3:28)
Peter Wright, Track 11, Peter Wright LP (6:44)
Dsic, Flexitime, Love City, If records. (5:18)
Duncan Bruce, Plane of Matyrs, New Glass Tapu, lf records. (5:03)
Duncan Bruce, Untitled, New Glass Tapu, lf records. (1:34)
Dsic, Bedminster Parade, P45, lf records. (0:55)
Dsic, Colon Cleanes, P45, lf records. (5:00)
Dsic, Imitator Ambience, Ambiences 1, lf records. (7:29)
Dsic, CarPexBomb, audio log, (4:21)
Dsic, Love is the final solution, Love City, LF Records. (3:02)
The Polyamourous Love Cult, The PLC Anthem, The Polyamourous Love Cult, Drunken Fish Records. (3:36)
K-Group, Forced out of the Sky, K-Group, Hermes. (3:14)
The Stumps, that with the greatest mass (will be indicated), split fleet dodge, Palindrone. (8:27)
Ian Watson/Dsic, Phantom Scum 1, Phantom Scum, If Records. (8:30)
Dsic, Ambient Deathbed II, Love City, If records. (6:09)
Dorkwind, Track 06, Shit Happens, CDr, self release. (10:53)
That final track has phenomenal drumming. Thanks Ryan! And how's that band name?!
Think Ryan's band is called DORKWIND.
They are amazing!
they ARE!
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