Finnish Music and Other Things I Found on My Way to Somewhere Else
For starters, I have changed my show to Wednesday nights to work around my Film Society commitments. I haven't been able to get to a meeting now for months and it seems pointless being on the committee if I can't get to meetings. So Wednesday nights now I'll be in my room with my laptop and headphones loading the music up onto the interweb.
I've been getting into a bit of Finnish music lately. I'm sure there is more than just the Fonal label, but that is what I have discovered so far. I'm looking forward to hearing more.
Otherwise, this week is pretty drone-y and lofi. My faves this week are Seht's "Requiem to John Fahey" and Delia Derbyshire's "Celestial Cantible". She's the one who brought us the Doctor Who theme. She really did made amazing music.
Paavoharju, Pimeänkarkelo, Laulu Laakson Kukista, Fonal. (3:57)
Leafcutter John, Khoms, The Housebound Spirit, Planet Mu. (5:11)
Armpit, Bruiser, Society of Dogs Split CDr, Jewelled Antler Collective. (2:20)
Seht, Requiem for John Fahey, The Voice Of The Taniwha, Last Visible Dog. (10:57)
Pumice, Hulk Joke, White, Stabbies. (8:56)
Molloy and his bike, I live in a spiral town, Spiraltown Cartographers, www.umor-rex.org. (6:51)
Glacial Dreaming Tour Artists, In Dream, Glacial Dreaming Tour 7", Honeyspiderthree. (2:39)
Jessica Bailiff, sunshower, even in silence, Kranky. (2:39)
Mount Eerie, Through The Trees, Wind's Poem, P.W. Elverum & Sun. (11:33)
Islaja, Kristallipallosilmät, Meritie, Fonal. (3:48)
Kemialliset Ystavat, Olen Paattanyt Olla Ikuinen, Latvasta Laho, Fonal. (6:49)
Keith Fullerton Whitman, Stereo Music for Acoustic Guitar, Bucla Music Box 100, Hp Model 236 Oscillator, Electric Guitar, and Computer - Part One, Multiples, Kranky. (5:30)
Delia Derbyshire, Celestial Cantible, Electrosonic, Glo Spot Records. (3:30)
Islaja, Palaa Aurinkoon, Blaze Mountain Recordings, Ecstatic Peace! (5:12)
Cagey House, enter the beard, Elephant Orange, www.umor-rex.org. (2:33)
Group Doueh, Sabah Lala, Guitar Music from the Western Sahara, Sublime Frequencies. (5:29)
Hala Strana, Nettles, The Jewelled Antler Library Book 1, Jewelled Antler Collective. (3:14)
Birdcatcher, untitled, The Sky Tied Down, Pseudo Arcana. (9:22)
Alan Sparhawk, How a freighter came into the habour, Solo Guitar, Silber/Darla.(17:53)
Wolf Eyes, Track 04, Slicer, Hanson Records. (10:50)
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