The main thrust of this show is to say YAY! the Evil Ocean CD is out!
Here's what they have to say about their upcoming CD launch (gonna be a Good Time):
"Like primordial beasts rising from the algae-blooming seas, Evil Ocean's self-titiled debut album scuttles uncertainly into existence on ill-formed flipper-like feet, rudimentary limbs that will one day take over the world after having been honed by genetic drift, random mutation and natural selection, processes which will eventually prompt this unfortunate creature to rise on its two hind legs and claim, 'I am the son of God!' and 'I think therefore I am!'-- and other such expressions of wistful hubris."
Launch gigs:
Friday 18th December @ Whammy Bar, Auckland
with Detrytus (WGTN) and Full Fucking Moon (WGTN)
Saturday 19th December @ Mighty Mighty, Wellington
with YACHT (Portland, Oregon)
Otherwise, here's my dark(ish) playlist. I get dark. But I don't get real dark.
Spacedust, 'Devil and the second banana', No kissing in public, Powertool Records. (6:44)
Bowery Electric, 'Long Way Down', Kranky Kompilation, Kranky. (4:11)
Peter Broderick, 'Field Recorder and Postcard Weevil', Ten Duets, Digitalis. (3:04)
Jessamine, '...Or what you mean', Kranky Kompilation, Kranky. (4:34)
CJA, 'Mean Ancient Heavy Industry', Pink Metal, PseudoArcana. (5:01)
Ajilvsga, 'French Revolution', Frannce Compilation CD 2: Blanc, Ruralfaune. (5:47)
Evil Ocean, 'Intro', Evil Ocean, self release. (3:08)
Evil Ocean, '30,000 years', Evil Ocean, self release. (6:55)
Evil Ocean, 'Angel of the Falling Moon', Evil Ocean, self release. (4:37)
Evil Ocean, 'Austrolapithicus Aflorensis', Evil Ocean, self release. (10:10)
Evil Ocean, 'Budgie & Egils', Evil Ocean, self release. (1:06)
Full Fucking Moon, 'Part One: New Zealand', Fantasy/horror, CDR. (5:52)
xochipilli, 'untitled', xochipilli. (2:11)
New Risen Throne, 'Rex Verminorum', Chants for the Cold and Dying Sun, God Is Myth Records. (9:29)
Leaving Earth, 'breathing again', the cosmic abyss EP, Samsa Records. (5:36)
Lustmord, 'Dog Star Descends', The Place Where The Black Stars Hang, Soleilmoon/Side Effects. (6:48)
Boris, 'Huge', Amplifier Worship, Southern Lord. (9:15)
Night shift, 'bab', Untitled CDR. (6:54)
Wings of Vengeance, 'sweet leaf', Miseryguts 3" cdr, Battlecruiser. (1:58)
John Zorn, 'Litany V', Six Litanies For Heliogabalus, Tzadik. (4:31)
Wolf Eyes, 'Black Vomit', Burned Mind, Sub Pop Records. (8:15)
I need to figure out what time your show is in Melbourne time.
That's my fave Lustmord album.
Is that a good Lustmord album, is it? Might have to check it out. I really like "Heresy" (I know, I know, a bit obvious...)
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