Tonight is a 2-hour special of music by Seht. Seht is Stephen Clover. I know Stephen as a friend, but that's not why I'm doing a special of his music. For me, Seht is the music I can listen to no matter what my mood. There are so many levels to Seht. One moment, warm, gentle and organic, the next mechanical, malevolent and dark. But never suddenly. Seht's tracks move seamlessly in a droney haze. Not to say there are not juxtapostions. It's just that dark can sit comfortably next to light. They can seem to be one and the same thing. Tonight I finally found the thread to Seht's music. I found the drone of the machine always sitting somewhere in the outer reaches of the most organic, acoustic track. A pervasive, yet background, hum.
I've sometimes thought of Seht's music as quite filmic and recently saw some films by Kim Pieters with Seht as the soundtrack. Worked beautifully and I found it quite emotionally moving to watch these dark slow images against the dark slow drones. What a match.
I've chosen a good range of tracks although I found it hard stripping some out of my original playlist. The ones I had to trim were the long ones. I could only fit one long track in. I couldn't really do him justice without one long track in my playlist.
Stephen Clover also runs a small label, Palindrone. He is an artist as well a musician. He loves cats. He makes a fine martini.
NOTE: image above is from HRRY cover and is by Stephen himself.
POSTSCRIPT: Check out Boomkat to buy selected Seht albums. Latest album HRRY available as CD and vinyl.
Here's the show:
'Preamble', The Voice of the Taniwha, Last Visible Dog. (1:14)
'Make the Baby Jesus Cry Some More', The Voice of the Taniwha, Last Visible Dog. (6:45)
''We Can Speak Quite Freely ('Evocation Of The Apparition Of Babel' Remix), The Voice of the Tahiwha, Last Visible Dog. (7:36)
'[Epilogue - 13 Seconds Over Aro St.]', The Voice of the Taniwha, Last Visible Dog. (0:13)
'chimnon', dronemusic, Celebrate Psi Phenomenon. (2:41)
'A3. SPFT', HRRY. Digitalis. (8:01)
'B5. JZZA', HRRY, Digitalis. (2:56)
'Sputnik Ii', Sputnik Ii, diagnosis... DON'T! reCoRdings
'phone order', Application Antarctica Download Form, Celebrate Psi Phenomenon. (7:56)
'Communion I: Drinks After Work', Communion Longplayer, Celebrate Psi Phenomenon. (6:01)
'syddo paragone', syddo paragone, Audiobot. (39:42)
'olympus mons', The Green Morning, Digitalis. (15:22)
'Green Faerey', Frannce Compilation CD2: Blanc, Ruralfaune. (6:52)
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