Cold is a soft thing: pretty drones from Lau Nau to Tangerine Dream.
It's all sweetness and light tonight. Well, with some dark bits of course, because with me there will always be a few dark moments. Just to set off the lighter moments, of course.
Note two tracks by Russian group Stuk Bambuka V 11 Chasov (rus. “Bamboo knocks at 11 o’clock”), from the album “Legkoe Delo Holod” (rus. “Cold is a soft thing”) which came out in 1991. The most information I could find out about them was here. My Russian friend introduced me to them and I must say, they are pretty fantastic. All images in the posting are Stuk Bambuka V 11 Chasov's album artwork.
So what's been happening lately? Well, Dave has been up at the Adam Art Gallery installing his part of the Wall Works show which is the tenth anniversary of the gallery. He's been having fun, and I haven't seen much of him in the last few nights because he's been gadding about, including tonight. Where's my cup of tea! Oh fuck, I had to get it myself. What a bore.
Anyway, the show is open already, as the installations happen. Everything will be finished by the end of the week and then there's going to be a fun party to celebrate the anniversary. Should be lots of fun. There'll be music too - Bek Coogan and Torben Tilly (normally performing as Full Fucking Moon). All the better. Apparently VBC, the student radio station, are broadcasting the event.
Other than that, we have not been up to much. I've been suffering from a sore shoulder and neck, so early nights have been a must. Groan groan. God, I'm getting old! My body is starting to crap out. It's all very depressing.
Okay - enough whingeing! Here's the playlist for this week's show:
Sack und Blumm, To Go To, The Invisible Pyramid Elegy Box, Last Visible Dog. (3:38)
Iris, A Bath, 4 women no cry, Monika Enterprise. (3:26)
chie mukai, untitled, Grain - A compilation of 99 tracks, dot dot dot music. (0:45)
Susumu Yokota & Rothko, Clear Space, Distant Sounds of Summer, Lo Recordings. (5:24)
Koen Holtkamp, Half Light, Field Rituals, Type. (2:44)
Labradford, Soft Return, Prazision, Kranky. (3:28)
Chamellows, Siggur, Rat Hearts, Fonal Records. (3:03)
Kuupuu, tuli uni, Yokehra, Dekorder. (2:52)
Koen Holtkamp, Night swimmer, Field Rituals, Type. (5:18)
Ballrooms of mars, untitled 07, cedre, Nexsound. (2:27)
Tenniscoats, abi and travel, Tan-Tan Therapy, Häpna. (3:14)
Kemialliset Ystavat, Systeemi 1, Lumottu Karkkipurkki, Fonal Records. (3:19)
Khonnor, I was everything you wanted until I quit, Lost Pets, Please Do Something. (1:24)
Lau Nau, Tulkaa!, Kuutarha, Locust Music. (5:32)
Molloy and his Bike, Open Sea, Oblivion's Fiery Limelight, Dog Eared Records. (10:45)
Vincent Gallo, A Somewhere Place, Recordings of Music for Film, Warp Records. (3:03)
Kiwi Pacific, Track 51, A Treasury of New Zealand Birdsong, Kiwi Pacific. (1:14)
Moondog, Tree Trail, Moondog, Prestige. (2:19)
Jesse Glass, Written on Hell Money, Grain - A compilation of 99 tracks, dot dot dot music. (1:09)
Neu!, Lieber Honig, Neu! Astralwerks. (7:19)
Wreck Small Speakers on Expensive Stereos, Torn, River Falling Love, Ajax Records. (8:35)
Stuk Bambuka v 11 chasov, Le chval de ma vie, Legkoe delo holod, Izhitsa Records. (4:35)
Windy and Carl, undercurrent, Depths, Kranky. (4:42)
Taiga Remains, Ordinary Lack, Frannce Compilation CD3: Rouge, RuralFaune. (7:44)
Labradford, Texas, The Kahanek Incident, Vol. 3, Trance Syndicate. (7:36)
Stuk Bambuka v 11 chasov, Tyaga, Legkoe delo holod, Izhitsa Records. (5:48)
Bongwater, Mr. Soul, The Bridge - A Tribute to Neil Young, Caroline Records. (3:31)
This Kind of Punishment, The Men By The Pool, In The Same Room + 5 by Four, Flying Nun Records. (3:25)
Loren Mazzacane Connors, Siren, 9th Avenue, Black Label. (2:53)
Matmos, Roses And Teeth For Ludwig Wit, The Rose Has Teeth In The Mouth of a Beast, Matador. (3:24)
Tangerine Dream, Resurrection, Electronic Meditation, Ohr. (3:25)

Who are those photos of?
Russian band from the early 90s Stuk Bambuka V 11 Chasov.
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