Music for a cranky head
I'm in a crotchety mood. I'm reasonably sure it's work that has brought this on. Too much work, not enough staff. I think that some employers have taken advantage of the recession by getting rid of people and expecting everyone else to take up the slack. The public sector do this by way of constant restructuring. And now small industries can do it by just chucking people out and saying that it's because of hard financial times for the business (of course, sometimes it is, but I'm not going to be the devil's advocate here). And everyone is working their arses off because they don't want to lose their jobs. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it. It's stressful and I'm not sleeping well. I feel I'm being taken advantage of - probably because I am.
I think this is reflected in my music choices for this show. Rather than calming, I seem to have chosen some glitchy stuff that gets under your skin. You'd think I'd be looking for stuff to chill myself out, but I guess I'm just a contrary woman.
Anyway – less about me, more about the music.
There are a few tracks from a really nice compilation called Frannce, out under RuralFaune. Here's a piece by Brad Rose on Foxy Digitalis about the label. There's also a review of Frannce on Foxy.
Compilations are one of my favourite ways to find new music. Say you like an artist - check out if they are on any compilations and chances are there'll be something else on there you like. Think of them like a curatorial process. Of course, it might just be a label promo and the songs might not sit together well, but often they are lovely things with some interesting concepts. Take Grains: A Compilation of 99 short tracks, out under Dot Dot Dot Music. Most of the tracks are under 1 minute - like a short short story. The song has to play out is such a short time, but a lot can happen in these tracks in 1 minute. I really like this compilation.
Two other compilations I feature here are Potatoes: A Collection of Folk Songs out under Ralph Records (The Residents' orginal label, apparently), and Invisible Pyramid - Elegy Box (6 CDs!) released by the wonderful Last Visible Dog. Also both wonderful compilations.
Secret Mommy, A bear at Hotel Cuba, Plays, Ache. (3:50)
Zort, Ojo de agua, foco lejos, Zort. (4:12)
Ahlgul Ouijaha, Welkin Star Outside, Outro to Finale, AMENOREA. (7:36)
The Psychic Paramount, Magatheion, Gamelan into the Mink Supernatural EP, (2:46)
Deadfood, Small men leave puddles, Grain: A Compilation Of 99 Short Tracks, Dot Dot Dot Music. (0:41)
Deerhoof, Kidz Are So Small, Friend Opportunity, ATP Recordings. (2:00)
Half Japanese: T For Texas (Blue Yodel #1), Potatoes: A Collection of Folk Songs, Ralph Records. (2:44)
Up-Tight, Falling Into A Doze, Invisible Pyramid - Elegy Box, Last Visible Dog. (6:07)
Negativland, Perfect Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes: A Collection of Folk Songs, Ralph Records. (2:44)
Felix Building, 19 Janvier, Sans Nostalgie, (3:02)
tangent, dissolute, a pictorial history, postmoderncore. (6:04)
Ping Pong Parrot, Typewriter Resonance, Scattershot Bill's 7 Day Safari, (4:15)
Tom Smith, Settled For Less, New Weird Australia, Volume One, (3:09)
Terracid, The Gravity of Floating Iron, The Palace Carries The Egg Tooth As Its Crown, Foxglove. (6:47)
Gang Gang Dance, God's Money VII, God's Money, The Social Registry. (3:16)
decadent landscapes, a delicate arc, Grain: A Compilation Of 99 Short Tracks, Dot Dot Dot Music. (0:42)
Sinking Infinities, Lora, The Life of Riley, United Fairy Moons. (21:16)
Lichens, Shore Line Scoring, The Psychic Nature of Being, Kranky. (9:45)
Lamppukello, 161104 French Fries, Frannce Compilation, RuralFaune. (3:54)
Seht, MPFH, HRRY, Foxglove (4:23)
Mike Tamburo, Headphone Music for Brigitte Bardot, Frannce Compilation, RuralFaune. (10:00)
The Futurians, Futuna, Frannce Compilaton, RuralFaune. (1:33)
Rachel's, 4 or 5 Trees, Systems/Layers, Quarterstick Recordings. (6:05)
Rosy Parlane, Atlantis, Touch 25, Touch. (4:03)
oh hell, Rose, YES!
marvelous selections!
and such a perfect photograph.
it's 3:54am here as i listen in the dark, i too have tremendous insomnia, and when i am able to get some chemically-induced sleep i dream only dreams of loss and panic. yr "exploited" rant was appreciated in a grass is always greener sense.. except nowadays it's all about the patches of brown on the lawns, isn't it?
Hey Miss Lorrie - soooo glad to have you listening! Red wine will help my sleep tonight. Red wine and the radio show have become synonymous. Red wine sleep is good, but the waking up is not. The day at work is not good either. I want to save up and come visit The Americas...
Hey Miss Lorrie - soooo glad to have you listening! Red wine will help my sleep tonight. Red wine and the radio show have become synonymous. Red wine sleep is good, but the waking up is not. The day at work is not good either. I want to save up and come visit The Americas...
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